With personalized training, you will be able to learn new and easy breathing techniques that will open energy pathways. You will also learn to flow through very easy movements, combining stretching and breathing to gain an excellent posture and spinal health. 
Bust most important is that you'll be able to delight yourself  in a movement practice that is not nerve wrecking, neither high impact. I'll help you to really enjoy each movement and gain the most benefit out of each of these exercises.
You won't regret it!
How does a GK session look like?

A session typically lasts 60–90 minutes and progresses through different postures and levels of intensity:
    1.    Seated Warm-Up:
    •    Performed on a stool, these exercises mobilize the spine and hips.
    •    Focus is on circular and spiraling movements, stimulating the core and enhancing flexibility.
    2.    Floor Work:
    •    Includes low-impact exercises performed on a mat.
    •    Targets hips, hamstrings, and shoulders while building strength and alignment.
    3.    Standing Sequences:
    •    Incorporates weight-shifting, balance, and coordination.
    •    Often inspired by tai chi and dance-like movements.
    4.    Cool Down:
    •    Gentle, calming movements paired with deep breathing to close the practice.
$150 per session

              4 sessions                    $500

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